Over 100 programmable usage features
Modular expansion and ability to add features
Ease of remote programming in service and maintenance services
Economical communication with operator option search (LCR)
Ability to use standard telephones with special telephone sets
Automatic fax forwarding
Door opening relay and doorphone connection
battery connection
Polarity change and charging signal detection feature
In addition to the features of the MS48S model:
Ability to display the caller’s number or name on the lines supported by Türk Telekom from the phone with call recognition (CID)
Send/receive text messages (SMS) from a landline with compatible phones
In addition to the features of the MS48S and MS48C models:
Being able to use the business phone as a switchboard subscriber at any time from anywhere with internet
Initially, the system supporting 4 trunks – 12 extensions + 4 IP trunks/8 IP subscribers, 4 -12 trunks; Ability to expand as needed with 12-40 internal subscribers + 12 IP external lines/24 IP subscriber capacity options
Video call support
multimedia communication
Savings and efficiency in communication
Mobile communication using IP phone, softphone, VoIP compatible GSM phones
Freedom of movement in working life with support for independent communication
Presence, instant messaging support
System security with firewall
Secure voice communication with speech security (sRTP/TLS IP encryption)
High sound quality in IP calls with QoS support
Sharing of voice messages via e-mail
With Karel Mobile application, you can call with an extension number from GSM phones as a switchboard subscriber.
Single number plan for multiple MS48IPs
- Capacity MS48C & MS48S = Total 48 lines + 1 doorphone channel
- Capacity 4 / 12 international lines
- Capacity 12 / 40 subscribers
- Capacity MS48 IP = Total 48 lines + 1 doorphone channel + 36 IP lines
- Capacity 4 / 24 outside line
- Capacity 12 / 64 subscribers
- Control main processor
- Control AM188ES Processor
- Control EPROM (1 Mbit)
- Control EEPROM (4 Kybte)
- Control 512 Kbit Static RAM with NiMh Battery Backup
- Control AC494 DSP (MS48IP)
- Control Saved program check
- switching Space Shared CMOS CrossPoint Switch
- switching Ethernet switching (MS48IP)
- switching Tones: Standard
- Feed AC220V, 50-60 Hz
- Power consumption 11 Watts at rest
- Strength 230 VAC – 50 Hz.
- Subscriber Link 1200 Ohm telephone machine internal loop resistance, standard DP/DTMF, telephones, special set connection
- Line Connection DT/DTMF signaling, 12/16 kHz charging signal detection, polarity change detection
- Interfaces RS232, external music connection
- Environmental conditions 0° - 45° temperature, 20%-80% non-condensing humidity
- Dimensions 40 x 49 x 8 cm